Five Acts for Improving Reputation

January 15, 2014

In an industry where you’re trying to sell services, your reputation is worth a lot. Sometimes firms or individuals in a local community can easily earn a bad rep and the word spreads fast. The good news is that your image can always benefit from some of these relatively simple efforts.

1. Volunteer
Helping out a charitable organization shows others that you care about the community and aim to improve it both professionally and personally. There are a number of non-profits and other institutions in any community or city, allowing you to even choose an organization that you relate with or that coincides with your practice. These firms can always use extra help.

2. Guest Speaking
Special events, universities and other organizations are always looking for professionals to come and talk. You’re able to share experiences, offer advice and give an inside look to those who are working hard to get into the business that you’re already a part of. Wanting to assist in success of others shows that you care about the industry as a whole and not just your own company.

3. Pro Bono Work
No one likes the idea of giving free time, resources and effort to a client that you’d rather be compensated for. However, showing that it’s not all about the money from time to time can drastically improve the public’s perception of you.

4. Employee Investment
Although it seems clients ultimately determine the success and profit of your company, employees are a large part as well. Make the workplace valuable and appreciative. The more your employees enjoy and believe in what they do, the more they will put into their work. Satisfied and valued personnel will also speak highly of their work and company as a whole. Clients aren’t the only ones who can impact the image of an organization.

5. Awards
Getting recognition for your business practices, company growth, or charitable acts is a way to let the community see the great work you’ve been doing. Some of these awards require nomination, but many of them have applications you can fill out for yourself. Even being listed as a nominee can boost your reputation and recognition.

What actions are you taking to improve your reputation?


Three Point Marketing offers marketing support for professional service providers such as financial planners, attorneys, and accountants.